

Greetings, fellow fashionistas! My name is Jaclyn (never Jackie) and I am an addict. A shopping addict. I am the annoying girl that my friends hate shopping with because I always find the best deals. I would say that I got my thriftiness from my mom. She has always loved secondhand stores and we used to dig for treasures when I was younger. Past the embarrassment of being seen at a thrift store, I realized how fun and exhilarating it was to find fabulous things for insanely low prices. Now, at 23, I am hooked! I really like wearing different things I have never worn before, but let’s face it, that gets expensive. I have never been impressed by the girl bragging about how much her outfit costs. Don’t get me wrong – I love to splurge too! But I am also smart with my money and I don’t like to make unreasonable purchases that I later regret. By reading our blog, I hope you find that fashion isn’t about the most expensive thing on the rack at Nordstrom, it’s about finding your own style and being innovative. Happy hunting!

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